Saturday, April 11, 2009

How to Speed Up Slow Torrent in Utorrent/Bitorrent

BitTorrent For DummiesFirst and The Most effective way to increase speed is using Vuze instead of any other torrent client.
Other Ways:-
There are some Setting in torrent Client that you need to change to Increase your download Speed. Some of the setting(with value) are listed below.
  • Torrent Download and upload Speed:-
    1. Go to Options > Preferences in your utorrent Client.
    2. Click Bandwidth option as shown below.
      Utorrent preference window setting
    3. Here put zero for both max. upload rate and max. download rate.
  • Port:-
    1. Go to connection option from the same window as shown above.
      change port on utorrent using connection in preference
    2. Press random Port option as shown above to change your port.
      The concept behind changing port is that sometimes your isp may block your torrent ports(active torrents port) so it is good to change your port at regular interval.
  • Increase TCP Connection:-
    1. Download patch from here.
    2. Open this file in cmd(open cmd and then run it from there).

      1. This will increase the limit of no. of connection that you can make. this is for windows xp sp2.
      2. This setting require restart of computer so restart your computer after you have applied all the these settings.
  • Increase Tracker(Most Effective):-
    1. First, download Tracker list from here.
    2. Now Go to property of the torrent having slow download speed(right click the torrent in utorrent).
      property window on utorrent file for increasing trackers
    3. Now in the box highlighted above past content of file just downloaded.
    4. Make sure "Enable DHT" and "Peer Exchange" and "Local peer Discovery" are checked.
    5. Press OK.
      NOTE:-make sure you do not include more than 10 tracker for a single torrent.
  • Make Continues Connection with Internet
    1. Make a Batch file(bat extension) with Ping to address with unlimited time
      Download file from here. and then change extension from mp3 to bat.
    2. Start this file whenever you starts your torrent application.
      I have realized that whenever i excess my internet my torrent download speed remain up but once i go somewhere else or go for sleep speed goes down.

      therefore i made this cmd command to make my torrent client realize that i m working. i can't explain why this is happening but this is working very well on my PC.
  • Tips:-
    1. Right click torrent in utorrent and press Update Tracker.
    2. Press Force download on torrent required first.
    3. Right click torrent required first then go to Bandwidth allocation>high.
    4. Use Vuze(BitTorrent Client) Instead of any other BitTorrent Client because it somehow give high speed.        <<--Effective


  1. it will be always benefit to use any of port 6881 - 6890.

    Moreover, xp don't need Patch because it is 10 connection per second not 10 connection as a whole. Moreover This patch could corrupt your Winsock, prompting your net to disconnect after every 15 min. then you need to reboot your modem.

    Microsoft Derecommends this Patch. I could tell You because i'm an System Security Expert Working in an reputated firm from 10 yrs.

    for more info or doubts freely contact me at

  2. thank u sooooooooo much!! it was really heplful specially the .bat thing!!

  3. hey great blog.. im just having a little problem tho. For the torrentspeed file, it just says request timed out over and over again. so i don't think it's working. And i was wondering if you can help me with this, everytime i start bittorrent it checks the torrent (% of mb) but it takes sooo long for it to get through all my files. is there any way I can shut that off so it can start the download right away. it takes hours to check one file. thanks


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